Durham Hamfest – 2024
Our annual Hamfest happens today! Check out the Durham Hamfest website for all the details!
Our annual Hamfest happens today! Check out the Durham Hamfest website for all the details!
The North Shore ARC has been asked to provide communications for the Canoe the Nonquon event this year. Canoe the Nonquon is a fundraiser for the Scugog Shore Museum Village and Archives. More details will be coming forth as plans … Continued
Join us at our repeater site for some hamburgers and hot dogs at the last monthly meeting before we take 2 months off for the summer. All members and their family members are welcome! If you know of any amateurs … Continued
Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines … Continued
Once again the North Shore ARC will be putting on a display of Amateur Radio as part of the Aquino Tank Weekend event put on by the Ontario Regiment Museum. We will be operating from 9am to 5pm EST Friday … Continued
Join us at our repeater site for some hamburgers, hotdogs and fresh corn-on-the-cob during our Sermon on the Mount Corn Roast. This is our way of saying welcome back after our summer break. All members and their family members are welcome! … Continued
The North Shore is assisting with this great fundraising event for the new Marigold Hospice. We will be providing communications for the event organizers.