Our club repeaters have been through a lot and we’re proud to have put the second repeater in all of Ontario (VE3OSH) on the air all those years ago. We currently have a number of repeaters all hosted on the corner of the Purple Woods Conservation Area.
2m VHF FM Repeater – VE3OSH
Frequency: 147.120 MHz
Input Tone: 156.7 Hz
Input Offset: +600 kHz
70cm UHF Fusion/FM Repeater – VE3NAA
Frequency: 443.000 MHz
Input Tone: 136.5
Input Offset: +5 MHz
70cm UHF DMR Repeater – VE3LBN
Frequency: 443.9875 MHz
Colour Code: 3
Input Offset: +5 MHz
DMR ID: 302340
Frequency: 144.390 MHz